What does Trump’s popularity say about our society?

That we are tired of politicians who put votes before their constituency’s welfare? Perhaps.

If so many people cheer when Mr. Trump complains about political correctness, are they really saying they miss days gone by, when words like n****r and f*****t could be tossed around without worrying about a n****r or a f*****t overhearing and confronting them? Honestly, I think so.

Is clapping and whistling after a comment about lowly Mexicans ruining America, a sign of pent up anger and frustration at not being able to subjugate, even further, the dangerous, uneducated, illegal immigrants that take our menial jobs for meager pay? I’ll go with “very likely.”

Despite all the obvious signs of a people bursting at the seems with racism and classicism, they (Trump’s fans) will tell you that these accusations are ludicrous, that we need to stop being so sensitive and making every issue about race and discrimination. That this is America, and that nobody here hates on anybody, that persecution is a figment of our imagination, that racism died when slavery was abolished, that they are tired of being blamed for the systematic degradation of minorities, which isn’t even real in the first place.

I don’t have much of a point here… other than airing out what we all know: you, me, them, us. I’d also like to emphasize the difference between The Donald and his followers: he doesn’t pretend to be something he is not, but his groupies… they just hide behind his rhetoric and a myriad of microaggressions, and frankly I believe that to be way more despicable.