About me:


I’ve explored quite a few careers/occupations in my lifetime: receptionist, marketing assistant, real estate assistant, personal trainer, office manager, department manager, waitress, pet sitter, bike messenger, food truck “staff” and manager, U.S. soldier… now I’m putting all this acquired grit into a new endeavor: Awesome Global Company’s pre-sales. Caveat: I hate selling! But alas, I love Awesome Global Company. Sometimes the best destinations are atop the steepest mountains.

There are days when just the thought of selling gives me heartburn, but I purposefully travel outside of my comfort zone. I believe it’s how we discover what we are made of.

I’m a seeker, explorer,  animal lover, juice lover, and a dreamer. Often fearless before the unknown, and intensely terrified of dying before my 105th birthday.

Note: Awesome Global Company is a better choice of words than let’s say… the real name of my employer. #ineedajob

